Avoiding Permanent Tooth Loss After A Child's Tooth Is Dislodged

During their childhood, most youngsters have multiple opportunities to damage their teeth. Kids may participate in contact sports, collide with playmates during horseplay, or suffer an accident on playground equipment. 

Some accidents result in significant dental trauma, such as the dislodging of a tooth, and require emergency dental care services. Without prompt treatment, a damaged or dislodged tooth could be permanently lost. 

Some people may not realize that the early loss of a primary tooth could negatively impact a child's permanent teeth. When a primary tooth is lost before the underlying permanent tooth is ready to present, a significant amount of time may elapse before the permanent tooth erupts. During this period, the child's other teeth may migrate into the space that was occupied by the primary tooth, making it difficult for the permanent tooth to present in a straight configuration.

Here are a few things that you can do immediately after your child's tooth is dislodged to decrease the likelihood of an early loss.

Rinse It But Don't Scrub

If the tooth has fallen to the ground and is covered by debris, feel free to rinse it. However, you should refrain from scrubbing the tooth. Soft, living connective tissue may still be attached to the tooth. If this tissue is damaged by scrubbing, the tooth may not be able to re-assimilate in the mouth.

In addition to scrubbing, detergents should also be avoided. Their high or low pH could also be damaging to sensitive tissues.

Keep the Tooth In the Mouth or in Milk

If a child's mouth is not too sore from the accident, the tooth can be placed back in its original position or held in the pocket of the inner cheek until they reach the dentist's office. However, if placing the tooth back in the oral cavity is not possible, you can store it in a cup of milk until your child can be seen by the dentist.

The milk will prevent the tooth from drying out. Additionally, the substance is not too alkaline or acidic for attached soft tissues.

Take the Child to the Dentist Immediately

The child should be seen by a dentist as soon as possible. The longer that professional dental care is neglected, the greater the chance that the tooth will not reattach properly in the mouth. Thus emergency dental care should be received promptly after the incident.

If your child has a dislodged tooth, contact the office of an emergency dentist in your local area. 
