4 Reasons To Get Your Teeth Professionally Whitened On A Regular Basis

If you aren't already getting your teeth whitened at the dentist's office regularly, you may want to start. Here are just a few good reasons to consider doing so:

Avoid Doing Damage

One good reason to have your teeth professionally whitened on a regular basis is to avoid doing damage to your enamel and gums by using over the counter whitening products at home. You can count on your dentist to use the latest available professional products on the market safely and effectively so you don't have to worry about damaging your teeth or trying to whiten them yourself at home just to maintain a nice white smile. And you wont' have to worry about keeping toxic teeth whitening products in your home where household members could find and incorrectly use them.

Enhance Your Self Esteem

Another reason to have your teeth professionally whitened once or twice a year is to enhance your overall self esteem. When you feel good about yourself, you can more easily put your best foot forward and better communicate with friends and colleagues. You may find that with enhanced self esteem, you aren't as shy anymore and it's easier to meet new people and make new friends. You may even notice that you have more confidence and can be more productive while at work.

Be Inspired to Optimize Care

Keeping your teeth professionally whitened should help keep you motivated to take optimal care of your teeth as time goes on. Every day when you look in the mirror and see how nice your teeth look, you'll be reminded that it takes brushing and flossing to keep them that way. You will be less likely to skip brushing or flossing after a meal, and you might even make a habit of brushing or flossing after meals and snacks at work or while on the road. In the end, you'll be rewarded with a healthy mouth full of teeth as you age.

Catch the Small Problems Early

Having your teeth whitened on a regular basis will give your dentist an extra opportunity to catch small problems such as developing cavities or a small overbite so they can be addressed quickly before becoming too serious. If a tooth is infected, your dentist can catch it and treat it before it becomes painful. Or if your gums are inflamed for some reason, they may recommend some home remedies you can use to get rid of the inflammation.
