3 Ways Your Allergies Might Cause Bleeding Gums

If you have recently had a cosmetic dentistry procedure and are now noticing that your gums are bleeding more than usual, the culprit may be your allergies. Not only can seasonal, pet, and food allergies lead to oral health problems, the medications that you take to treat your allergies can also have a negative impact on your gums. Here are three ways your allergies can cause bleeding gums and what you can do about them.

Inflammatory Response

Allergy sufferers often release chemicals into the bloodstream known as pro-inflammatory cytokines. These chemicals trigger a systemic inflammatory response which not only leads to common allergy symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, and itching but also heightens the risk for gingival inflammation.

When your gums become swollen due to an inflammatory response or from gingivitis, bleeding can occur. To help control bleeding gums related to your allergies, maintain a good oral hygiene program, take your prescribed allergy medications, and visit your allergist and dentist on a regular basis. 

Antihistamine Use

Many people who suffer from allergies take medications known as antihistamines. These medications not only dry up the secretions in your nose and eyes, but they also significantly dry out your mouth. When your mouth is too dry, you don't have enough saliva to wash away bacteria, and subsequently, you become more prone to gingivitis and bleeding gums.

If you take antihistamines and develop a dry mouth, drink plenty of water and make sure you brush and floss as recommended by your dental professional. Your dentist can also recommend an enzyme-based mouthwash to help restore oral moisture.

Oral Microorganisms

Allergies can lead to chronic nasal congestion. When this happens, you may be at a higher risk for developing repeated sinus infections, which can promote post nasal drip. When secretions from your nose make contact with the back of your throat and gums, the bacteria from your nasal drainage can lead to gum disease and resultant bleeding.

A saline nasal spray can help wash away bacteria, unclog your nose, and may even help keep the insides of your nasal passages more resistant to germs. If saline rinses fail to bring relief, your allergist may recommend a corticosteroid medication to help shrink swollen nasal passage. Corticosteroid drugs may also help treat your gum disease and relieve gingival bleeding.

If you have allergies and develop bleeding gums, work with both your allergist and a dentist like those at Crest Hill Family Dental to develop an effective treatment plan to help minimize your symptoms. The sooner proper interventions are implemented, the less likely you are to experience gum problems related to your allergic condition. 
