Bad breath occurs naturally when you ingest pungent spices, such as garlic. However, it can also be caused by the bacteria in your mouth. Volatile sulfur compounds, which give morning breath its characteristic stale odor, are released by anaerobic bacteria in your mouth. Many of these microbes dwell on the surface of your tongue. Here are a few things that you can do to help eliminate these bacteria and keep your breath fresher:
Use a germ-killing mouthwash.
Regular use of a germ-killing mouthwash can help eliminate the bacteria in your mouth that create offensive odors. The mouthwash is simply swished about the mouth for the recommended period and then released. As you are selecting a mouthwash, it is best to avoid mouth rinses that include alcohol as the germ-killing agent. Although alcohol is antimicrobial, it is also drying to the mouth. Dry mouth can actually increase the bacterial population in the mouth since there is too little saliva to help rinse the germs away.
Sip water throughout the day.
By sipping water throughout the day, you can wash away bacteria and particles of food that can negatively impact your breath. Sipping or rinsing can be especially helpful immediately after a meal.
Once carbohydrates are introduced into your oral cavity, the bacteria feed and reproduce more quickly, resulting in more bad breath. The water helps eliminate the bacteria's food supply and rinses the microbes away.
Use a tongue scraper.
A tongue scraper is a special tool used to scrape oral bacteria and other debris from the surface of your tongue. The curved tool slides safely across the tongue's surface, collecting offensive material from the grooves and bumps.
Tongue-scraping should be performed before you brush your teeth so that any residual microbes can be brushed and rinsed away following the scraping. Additionally, it is best to use the actual tongue scrapers instead of a toothbrush or other substitutes. The scrapers tend to be more effective.
Chew sugarless gum.
Sugarless gum is often flavored with sweet-smelling additives. However, the gum also increases the flow of saliva in the mouth. This can help wash away microbes and leftover particles of food. In addition, if the gum is sweetened with xylitol or flavored with cinnamon, it may have antibacterial properties that help kill the microbes in your mouth.
To learn more ways to maintain fresh breath, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area, like Kaimuki Dental Group LLP.